Princess Buildings – we build what we draw
The scaffolding has been removed to the primary elevation on Princess Street, Halifax. The stonework is looking good and the weather’s a lot better than our original render!
Derby Silk Mill – Artist in Residence
Fantastic record of Bauman Lyons working in a intimate process of co-production of the Museum of Making at Silk Mill in Derby by the Artist in Residence, Sally Jane Thompson
Irena Bauman joins line up of speakers for RIAI Annual Conference 2016
We are pleased to announce that Irena will be speaking at the Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland Annual Conference on Saturday 26th November 2016, 09:30-11:30.
Her talk is titled ‘How to be a Happy Architect’ and will explore the themes of resilience and success in practice.
The conference programme can be found here and to book please follow this Eventbrite link.
Great news!
We are delighted to be the winners of Digital Construction Week Expo Competition. We will be supported by Innovate UK in exhibition space for our ground breaking digitally enabled construction system MassBespoke™.
Please come and see us at Digital Construction Week
Architecture Conference and Expo in Cluj-Napoca, Romania on the 6th of October
Link to leeds-list website and video
'The new train station entrance is certainly a looker, and its design has really got people talking, but it’s also a massive architectural achievement, because Bauman Lyons has the tricky tasty of designing a structure that actually sits above the river. The dramatic glass and metal entrance slots into the old Victorian arches, providing the city’s commuters with a brand new access point, while minimising the impact on nearby apartments and amenities – pleasing everyone is no mean feat, but the capsule-like entrance just about does it'
MassBespoke System. RIBAJ article
Check out the RIBAJ article where Irena Bauman explains MassBespoke as a self-build system that facilitates Custom design for everyone
5in4: on the right path
Apart from saving us, a four-day working week can be also good for the environment and economy.
There is a growing consensus that an extra day off could help the world in many ways…
Offsite Awards for MassBespoke™ System
Bauman Lyons have been shortlisted in the Innovative Product category of Offsite Awards for MassBespoke™ System.
The finalist will be announced in October 2016- the full list of awards can be viewed here
Derby Silk Mill – FIGMENT festival
The BLA team spent an enjoyable (if not a little windswept!) Saturday helping to build ‘Tensegrity’ structures from bamboo with visitors to Derby’s first FIGMENT festival hosted by Derby Silk Mill.
The ASF UK’s powerful training and methods
The ASF UK ( are developing powerful training and methods for co-production of development with some of the most dis-empowered communities: Resilience by Design, Change by Design and Challenging Practice .
Also Key note by Irena Bauman spoke at the Challenging Practice Design in Uncertain Global Times staged by ASF in March 2016 and mapped the ASF methods across work of BLA- a commercial practice that shares ASF values.
To read the whole article: Seven Incredible buildings Designed by Leeds’ Architects
Click to see the project: Bransley Digital Media Centre
Click to see the project: Leeds Train Station Entrance
Great Construction time-laps video
5in4: In Praise of the Four-Day Week
We are not the only ones to discover that four-day weeks have many benefits. Interesting report that strengthens our initiative here
Irish Architecture Foundation conference: Beyond Participation
Irena will be speaking at Beyond Participation on the 16th of June.
The event will examine how architectural practice has moved beyond the traditional boundaries of ‘user participation’.
The event is already receiving a high level of interest and excitement!
The relevant details of the conference, film screenings and conversations at the following link –
Roadmap for Modern Methods of Construction
We spent a fascinating day at BIS in April with many of the players involved in developing UK capacity for offsite construction and here is the final report from Cambridge University with the findings from the Construction Leadership Council Innovation Workstream (Buildings) Roadmap for Modern Methods of Construction
‘Among the young, the “loneliness epidemic” has gone viral: nearly 60 per cent of 18- to-34-year-olds told the Mental Health Foundation they felt lonely often or sometimes.
Irena spoke with Rowland Manthorpe
Associate Editor, WIRED on the new models of capitalist co-housing developments that exploit the rising loneliness among the young for the Wired magazine:
a fascinating read:
Low Carbon off-site timber frame system
Bauman Lyons are working with Citu Developments and Leeds Becket University on developing high performance timber frame system for manufacture in Citu factory due to be commissioned in autumn this year. This research and development project is supported by Innovate UK.
For more info, visit the YEP online at:
We are all set to run engagement events for Bolsover District regeneration framework from 13th to 21th of April
The consultation events will be held as follows:
Bolsover: The Assembly Rooms, Hilltop, Bolsover, S44 6NG. 13 April from 12pm – 7pm
South Normanton: The Post Mill Centre, South Normanton, DE55 2EJ. 14 April from 12pm – 7pm
Clowne: The Schoolroom, Clowne Methodist Church, North Road, Clowne, S43 4PF. 20 April from 12pm – 7pm
Shirebrook: The Christian Centre, 18-26 Main Street, Shirebrook, NG20 8DG. 21 April from 12pm – 7pm