Margins within the City: Social Networks, under-utilised space and under-valued enterprise

  1. Irena Bauman, Sue Ball, Paul Chatterton and Rachael Unsworth, (2011)  Margins within the City: Social networks, under-utilised space and under-valued enterprise, Leeds Love It Share It CIC (Leeds),



Margins within the City shows that there is huge potential to rethink the way that inner-city communities function. Existing social networks, skills and physical assets can be consolidated in order that neighbourhoods can adapt to the pressing environmental and economic changes that lie ahead. Understanding the connectivities between a neighbourhood’s assets is paramount. Initiatives to integrate them are needed.


Project Description

Leeds Love It Share It used this context to explore how inner cities can adapt and respond to these rapidly changing times in innovative new ways. The project looks at three areas: social networks, undervalued
enterprise and underutilised spaces. The primary focus was on mapping and recording these three themes in one pilot study area to look at how a better understanding of each theme, and their inter-relationships, can contribute to more sustainable and ethical development.


Pilot study
The pilot study was Richmond Hill, chosen because it is within the ‘Rim’ of Leeds where baseline research was undertaken by Bauman Lyons Architects in 2006.


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