Modernism as a Promise – Disruptions and New Orders

Whether in the form of architectures, urban concepts, as an instruction in knowledge institutions or as a lifestyle – modernity is discussed as a socio-political construction, criticized and placed in relation to the current zeitgeist. But how does modernity work? What role do transition, ambivalence and in-betweenness play? In general, can the postulates of modernity be negotiated and updated, or are they no longer viable and therefore historicized?

This year HafenCity Lectures ( at the University of Hamburg are a series of talks to explore this subject.

Irena will be participating in a discussion on the 25th of June in Hamburg with:

Valentin Groebner (Historian, Luzern)
Cesar Peña (Architectual Theorist, Bogotá)
Steven ten Thije (Curator, Eindhoven)