Bauman Lyons shortlisted for the RIBA President’s Awards for Research

Bauman Lyons shortlisted for the RIBA President’s Awards for Research

Our research project on developing Climate Change Adaptation Strategy for managed office space for Creative industries at Church View, Doncaster, funded by TSB, has been shortlisted for the RIBA President’s Awards for Research.

Although  we usually shy away from awards, in this case we are very pleased to be shortlisted because this TSB supported work changed the way we practice architecture.
It made us understand the enormity of  climate change impact and the need for architects to find solutions to the challenges ahead.
This project also made us engage with environmental modeling – all architects in the office can use DesignerBuilder and we integrate environmental design into all the early stages of design development.

We are also proud to be in  such good company of the other shortlisted projects.
Fingers crossed.