Irena Bauman is a panellist at the 4th in a series of 5 Design Culture Salons.
The subject of discussion is :’How would design function in Recession?’
‘These are tough times for all creative fields. Some practitioners baton down. Others see the economic slowdown as an opportunity to rethink what they do. Can design really re-invent itself or will it be ‘business as usual’? How might scarcity impact on design culture? What can be done with all those unemployed designers? How does a recession impact on public practices?’
Irena will be sharing a platform with :
Jeremy Till (Central St Martins)
Bianca Eizenbaumer and Fabio Franz (Brave New Alps)
Louis Moreno (University College London
The event will be chaired by Professor Guy Julier
University of Brighton Principal Research Fellow in Contemporary Design Visiting Professor of Design Culture, University of Southern Denmark