Designing the Future: Climate Change Showcase

Tuesday, June 12, 2012 from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm


This conference has been organised by the Technology Strategy Board to review some of the 50 research projects that investigate the potential to adapt current buildings to climate change.

Irena Bauman will be presenting two Bauman Lyons projects:

Church View , Doncaster- Research to explore how buildings can be adapted incrementally room by room and how conservation values conflict with the need for adaptation to increasing temperatures. Research was carried out in collaboration with  ARUP, Peter Latz +Partner, Creative Space Management,Estell Warren Landscape Architects, BWA (QS),Doncaster Central Development Trust, Sue Roaf Herriot-Watt University,Furgus  Nicol London Metropolitan University.

The second project Irena will be presenting is ‘Management before Fabric’ which investigates the need for  large organisations to adapt themselves before they can plan for adapting their buildings. This project was in collaboration with ARUP.


A breakdown of the agenda for this event can be found here: