The Thinking Series – Event 1: Coherent connections

North Wales Society of Architects are inaugurating a series of events on a thoughtful approach to architecture and community problem-solving with Coherent Connections. Irena will be in discussion with Andy Goodman and John Parkinson examining aspects of ‘environment-focused learning and operative platform’- a new approach to teaching for complex future.



Built InCommon – Double Whammy workshop

To inaugurate the research project Built InCommon funded by the Royal Commission 1851 Fellowship, BLA hosted a workshop exploring the challenges of delivering affordable housing on difficult to develop sites and to consider how new collaborative procurement methods and digital technologies might help to unlock some of the challenges.

Thank you all who attended from Goodwin Development Trust, Doncaster Central Development Trust, Leeds Community Homes, Calder Valley Land Development Trust, Locality and Hull City Council and for making the conversation so valuable. The next conversation will be Show and Tell – sharing information about specific projects.


The Good, The Bad and The Fantastic: 2017

There was so much good: we finished a cluster of listed buildings at Princess Building, Halifax for offices for Calderdale; we are completing work on a glorious Grade 1 Listed Hull Minster refurbishment; and we are finalising a complex options appraisal for EUREKA! Children’s Museum.

We also had some bad times. Our first (and we have made it our last) experience of working with an unscrupulous developer who exploits the supply chain – we lost fantastic people – Brexit, UK being dropped in the European Capital of Culture Contest in the 11th hour, losing some tenders which we should have got – these are some of the lows.

But we also had some fantastic times: we have worked with the Silk Mill Museum of Making in Derby to secure planning permission and all the funding. We will be delivering this £16M project through a new partnering contract in which ‘conflict’ and ‘risk avoidance’ are replaced by ‘co-production’ and ‘risk and opportunities’. We have taken steps to diversify the practice by forming a new company, MassBespoke, to develop and fabricate our own timber cassette construction system and we have built our second MassBespoke prototype with Innovate UK funding. We have secured a 2 year long fellowship from Royal Commission 1851 to develop models for neighbourhood based factories for affordable housing. But the most fantastic experience has been working with residential clients, the visionary motivated community land trusts, with the team at Derby Museum Trust, and with all of the long term collaborators who add so much value to our everyday work. And of course our own BLA team.

We thank you all and wish you only The Good and The Fantastic for 2018.

Seeking exemplars of projects using offsite technologies

Bauman Lyons are working with the Construction Leadership Council to develop ROADMAP FOR SMART construction.

We are looking for exemplar schemes that have used offsite construction and have data on speed, costs, productivity and performance that can be evaluated.

Please get in touch if you know of any.



Sowing the Seeds of Practice Research Conference

Bauman Lyons were delighted to speak at ‘Sowing the Seeds of Practice Research’, a symposium for architectural practitioners and researchers organised by the RIBA and the University of Nottingham on the 30th June 2017.

BLA Director Sam Wilson delivered the keynote closing address at the event, providing insight and practical advice on the benefits and challenges regarding entry into the field of practice-based research.  The University of Nottingham is currently developing a course which places students undertaking part-time research degrees into architectural practices. Find out more about the event by clicking on this link.seeding_research_P1lowres

Update: Trinity Square & Hull Minster

Check out the newly unveiled mirror pools designed by Mel Chantrey of the Fountain Workshop Ltd as part of the Trinity Square project which was designed in collaboration with Bauman Lyons as part of the reordering of Hull Minister.

These contemplative pools feature a 2mm thick film of water and are believed to be the first of their kind in the UK.

Read more about the project at Hull Daily Mail.


Princess Buildings nearly complete

After four years and seventeen project managers our beautiful refurbishment and conversion of five Listed Buildings into offices for Calderdale Council is almost complete – well done team, especially project architect Tom Vigar.


Roundtable session at Lisbon conference: Making the Collective City

Irena participated in the round table session last Thursday with Mariana Dias Simpson from Ibase, Brazil and Emily Berwyn from Meanwhile Space, UK.

She spoke on ASF UK participatory methods and how these resonate with Bauman Lyons Architects work in the UK. The session was chaired by Joana Pestana Lages frp, CIAUD, FA-ULisboa.

Catch up on the conference on this link and click here for the Making the Collective City Programme.

Holy Trinity Church re-dedicated as Hull Minster

We were delighted to attend the ceremony on Saturday at which the Archbishop of York Bestowed Minister status on Holy Trinity Church in Hull.
This honour was in recognition of the church’s inspiring regeneration, physically and spiritually, and the exciting progress of the church’s £4.5m development project.
Phase 1 of the work to reorder the public square and churchyard has been completed and we are now working on Phase 2 which includes reordering of the Nave to provide a flexible space with new underfloor heating as well as improvements to service accommodation at the east end. Further phases will provide a new café and better toilet facilities.

For more information see:

Hull Minster

Update: High Street Hebden Bridge

We are proud to be working with Calder Valley Community Land Trust in Hebden Bridge to design new low-energy housing for affordable rent. This location was previously home to hundreds of local workers living in dense terraces of 3 and 4 storey houses on a steeply sloping site, typical to the topography of the Calder Valley. Delighted that CVCLT would like to reinstate housing in this location, and the old High Street. Our design optimises plan depth and orientation for passive solar benefit and the landscaping strategy will alleviate flood risk. We are designing low-impact, low-energy, affordable & beautiful homes!


View from Stubbing Holme Road & Fox and Goose Junction_170323


Professional Practice Conference: University of Reading School of Architecture – 26/27th April 2017

For the first time practicing professionals are gathering to explore research embedded in their practice.

We are pleased to have the opportunity to present a paper ‘The Reluctant Supply Chain’  based on the Innovate UK funded research into digitising the supply chain and the way this new knowledge is impacting on our practice.

You can view the full conference schedule here and more information about the event is available on the University of Reading’s website.

Leeds Station South Link Commended in Leeds Architecture Awards

We are delighted that Leeds Station South Link received a Commendation in the Innovation category at the Leeds Architecture Awards 2016.

Bauman Lyons developed the concept design up to “Network Rail GRIP Stage 4” which included the planning permission for the £16m new southern entrance.

Read more about the project on our webpage and in the RIBA Journal here.

Leeds Architecture Award+South Link

Update – Holy Trinity Church Hull

It’s been exciting times for Holy Trinity Church recently – the client team and our very own director Guy Smith were treated to a visit from the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall. Read more about the visit which forms part of the Hull City of Culture celebrations by clicking on this link.

We’re also thrilled with the progress that’s being made on removing the existing pews for restoration. Read more by following this link

We were afforded a lovely view down the nave from the west door – this view has not been seen for over 100 years!

HTC update feb 17